残された手紙 The Mysterious Letter
(通路・アビス 昼)
Passageway | Daytime
ユーリス: いやあ……散々な目に遭ったな……。もう二度と下には潜らねえぞ、俺は。
Yuri: Well, that was awful. I'm never going back down there, that's for damn sure.
バルタザール: っははは! あんなのがうろうろしてちゃ潜りたくても潜れねえよ。だろ?
Balthus: Ha! With things like that wandering around, you couldn't even if you wanted to.
Choice 1: 良い経験になった It was a valuable learning experience.
ユーリス: お気楽だよなあ、あんたは……俺は二、三度死ぬかと思ったけど……
Yuri: Aren't you optimistic. There were a few times I was sure we were done for.
Choice 2: 死の危険を感じた was pretty sure we were going to die.
バルタザール: 本気で言ってるようには聞こえねえな。お前、結構涼しい顔してたじゃねえか。
Balthus: Not sure I believe you. You were pretty calm that whole time.
コンスタンツェ: アルファルド様はお戻りかしら?すぐに宝杯を見せて、教団に……
Constance: Has Aelfric yet returned? We must present the chalice to the church at once!
住人: お、お前ら、無事だったのか!どこ行ってたんだこんな時に……!
Resident: You! You're all safe! How could you sneak off at a time like this?!
Choice 1: 何かあった? Did something happen?
Choice 2: ちょっと地下に…… We had some underground business to attend to.
ごろつき: 地下だあ? ここが地下だろうがよ……。いやいい、とにかく大変なんだよ!
Rogue: Underground? But we are underground! Anyway, things are bad! Really bad!
ごろつき: 落ち着いて聞け。外から入ってきた奴らに、アルファルドの旦那がさらわれた。
Rogue: Some strangers from the outside have kidnapped Master Aelfric!
コンスタンツェ: なっ……アルファルド様が?
Constance: Aelfric? No! It cannot be true!
ごろつき: 大修道院から戻ってきたところに、待ち構えてた賊どもが……
Rogue: It happened as soon as he returned from the monastery. Bandits were lying in wait.
バルタザール: クッ……畜生が、間の悪い。なんだってあの人を連れ去る必要が……!
Balthus: Dammit! How could this happen?!
コンスタンツェ: この準備の良さ、先ほど私たちを襲った賊徒と無関係とは思えませんわね……。
Constance: This was clearly premeditated. I am certain it is connected to the bandits we fended off earlier.
ユーリス: ……その話、教団の連中には伝えたか?
Yuri: Have you alerted the church?
ごろつき: いや、まだだ。こっちも突然のことだったから……
けど、いいのか? 教団は頼れないんだろ?こんな騒動を起こしたらアビスが……
Rogue: Not yet. It all happened so suddenly...
Do you think we should? Can we trust them? If we cause too much trouble, Abyss is doomed...
ユーリス: 今更そんなこと言ってる状況か!下手に隠し立てしてる場合じゃねえだろ。
Yuri: Now isn't the time to worry about that! We're in no position to cover something like this up.
The church has eyes and ears everywhere, so they may already know what's going on. Either way, go and tell them the news. Now.
ごろつき: そ……それもそうだよな、わかった。
Rogue: Sure thing! Understood!
ユーリス: それと、負傷した奴がいるなら呼んでこい。治癒の魔法で俺たちが…………
Yuri: Also, if anyone was wounded, send them here. We'll patch them up with healing magic.
Wait... Where's Hapi? And Linhardt?
コンスタンツェ: ハピ、貴方どこへ行ってましたの?アルファルド様が……
Constance: Hapi! Wherever did you disappear to! Aelfric has been―
ハピ: まーまー、これ見てよ。
Hapi: I know. Take a look at this.
バルタザール: 何だこりゃ、随分と物々しい……手紙か?
Balthus: What's that? Looks like some kind of fancy letter.
ハピ: 他に何に見えるのさ。教室に置いてあったし。
Hapi: That's because it is. It was lying in the classroom.
"We have abducted Cardinal Aelfric. We can guarantee his safety, for now.
If you want to help him, meet us tomorrow evening in the ruins of the old chapel. Bring the chalice.
Know that if you alert the knights, the cardinal's life will be forfeit."
Byleth: これは…… Could it be...
バルタザール: 間違いねえ。アルファルドさんをさらった奴らが寄越した手紙だろう。
Balthus: No doubt about it. This letter must have been left by the people who abducted Aelfric.
コンスタンツェ: やはり敵の狙いは宝杯でしたの?私たちに在りかを探らせて奪おうと……
Constance: Then our enemy really is after the chalice. All the while, they were waiting for us to locate it for them.
No... No! Something about this does not ring true!
ハピ: おかしいことだらけじゃん。どこの話?
Hapi: None of it rings true, so which part in particular are you talking about?
コンスタンツェ: そもそも敵は、なぜ私たちが宝杯を探していると知っていますの?
Constance: How did the enemy know we were searching for the chalice to begin with?
This can only mean that someone in Abyss is―
ユーリス: 鼠がいたのかもしれねえし、あの人が教団に報告して漏れたのかもしれねえ。
Yuri: You smell a rat. Someone who notified the church of our plan.
It's no good talking about theoretical rats right now. First we have to deal with the problem at hand.
コンスタンツェ: そ、そんなことわかっておりますわ!貴方、珍しくまともなことを言いますのね。
Constance: Too true. For once you are speaking reasonably.